Test method for measurement of smoke obscuration using a conical radiant source in a single closed chamber 密闭单燃烧室中使用锥形辐射源测量烟雾昏暗度的试验方法
Test method for measurement of smoke obscuration using in a single closed chamber , with the test specimen oriented horizontally 在单闭室中利用水平试样测量烟雾昏暗度的试验方法
Standard test method for measurement of smoke obscuration using a conical radiant source in a single closed chamber , with the test specimen oriented horizontally 使用锥形放射源在有水平放置试样的单一密闭室内测量烟雾蒙胧性的标准试验方法
Q10 : if a plant is placed into a closed chamber and exposed to the light , it is observed that the co2 concentration in the air inside the chamber decreases for a while due to photosynthesis 如果将一棵植物置于一个密闭空间,并且给予照光,观察空气中co2浓度由于光合作用而下降一会儿。
Results compared with those before operation , the postoperative best corrected visual acuity and anterior chamber depth were improved , the intraocular pressure was reduced , and the closed chamber angle was partially reopened 结果术后最佳矫正视力明显好于术前,前房深度较术前加深,眼压低于术前,部分前房角开放。